Jumpstart 2023 With Your Personal Blueprint For Success
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Everyone wants to be rich. Yet, there’s no single definition for what being rich really means. Think about what being rich means to you. Is it accumulating a certain level of assets, owning a successful business, having the freedom to spend your time doing what you want with the people you want to spend time with—or is it something else entirely? There are as many ways to define what a rich and rewarding life looks like as there are people on the plant. So how do you define what true wealth means to you and what steps can you take to move closer to it in the new year?

If you’re looking to attain both spiritual and financial wealth, I encourage you to take the time to read The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles. It will change your life. I’ve read it several times over the years and always come away inspired. First published in 1910, The Science of Getting Rich is a book of distilled wisdom that guides the reader towards both acquiring wealth and living a more fulfilled life by employing techniques including the Law of Attraction.

Anyone who has spent time around me knows that I’m a big believer in the Law of Attraction, which is based on Wattles’ assertion that one’s way of thinking is a powerful tool for attracting or repelling wealth. Another key takeaway for me is the author’s thoughts on opportunity. Wattles’ states that every atom in the universe still exists, therefore, so does every opportunity. But how do you find and unlock the right opportunities for you?

In my experience, unlocking the right opportunities begins with creating a personal blueprint for your success that starts with three important steps:

  1. Discover what you value most and keep these principles front and center in your life and/or your business. Think of the people, things, and experiences you value most in life as your “compass” along the path to accomplishing your goals and living the life you desire. Documenting the things, you care about most can help provide a roadmap to the type of success you desire for yourself and your family. However, if not managed carefully, these same passions can spiral out of control, moving you further and further from living your life with true purpose. For example, it can be easy to get caught up in ambitious career goals or business objectives to the detriment of personal or family time. Before you know it, you’ve lost sight of why you’re accumulating wealth in the first place. That’s where your compass can help. When you veer off your path or get lost along the way, your compass can help you get back on track.
  2. Identify, unlock and pursue your meaningful purpose, so the world can benefit from your unique gifts. I’m not the first to say it, but I do believe that everything we need to be successful already exists inside of us. However, those unique talents and gifts need to be identified and channeled to accomplish what you want throughout your life’s journey. When delivering the keynote address at Howard University in 2018, the late actor Chadwick Bozeman said, “Purpose is an essential element of you. It is the reason you are on the planet at this particular time in history.” Yet identifying your meaning and purpose in life is not always easy. It demands honest and deliberate self-reflection and introspection about what drives you, what energizes you, and what you can’t live without. To help new clients uncover the answers to these questions, we often ask them to complete the following statement: “If I wasn’t so afraid, I would _____.” This exercise not only helps people address their biggest fear but helps to illuminate areas where they derive the most meaning and purpose in their lives.
  3. Develop a compelling vision for your future and create both a personal and professional mission statement. Like any journey, you need a destination. Otherwise, you’re just wandering aimlessly through life, which almost always results in missed opportunities. That’s why it’s so important to document your vision of true wealth, which we define as all that money can’t buy and death can’t take away. That enables you to put effective strategies in place to help you pursue your vision and help maintain the true wealth you’ve achieved. Remember, true wealth and financial freedom are about far more than money. They’re about finding your why and aligning your resources to pursue it.

While monetary wealth can’t buy happiness, it is necessary to support the goals you identify for your life, family, or business. Attracting the richness you desire across all aspects of your life beings with creating a personalized blueprint that addresses how your wealth can be used to help you fulfill and protect your lifestyle and legacy. To learn more, download our complimentary step-by-step guide: 7 Secrets to Accumulating Your First Million. Already there? Get our step-by-step guide to turning your first million into two. Download: 4 Mistakes People Make With Their First Million.

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