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Red Bull has given 30-year-old Mark Mateschitz, son of the late energy drink brand co-founder Dietrich Mateschitz, a lot more than just wings. When his father passed away last year, Mark Mateschitz inherited a 49% stake in the beverage company.

That stake has now made him one of the youngest billionaires in the world with a fortune of $35 billion. Actually not just one of the youngest billionaires. A $35 billion fortune makes Mark Mateschitz one of the 40 richest people on the planet. At 30.

Mark Mateschitz (Photo by Manfred Noger ATPImages/Getty Images)

It’s been reported that “Europe’s richest millennial” has also inherited several luxury real estate properties from his father, spanning the globe from Fiji to Austria and the exclusive Knightsbridge district of London.

Mateschitz had been a part of the Red Bull corporate empire for much of his adult life, having been chief of the organic division of Red Bull before inheriting his stake in the company from his father (pictured below).

Dietrich Mateschitz (Mark Thompson/Getty Images)

The OTHER Red Bull Heir

Mark is not the only Red Bull heir on the planet. Another Red Bull heir is named Vorayuth Yoovidhya. Vorayuth’s grandfather Chaleo Yoovidhya was the other co-founder of Red Bull along with Dietrich Mateschitz.

When Caleo died in 2012 his family inherited the other 51% stake in the company.

Unfortunately Vorayuth has spent the last 10+ years living in hiding, having been involved in an alleged hit and run accident that also occurred in 2012.

Vorayuth reportedly ran over a police officer in Bangkok while speeding in his Ferrari. He fled the scene and ultimately Thailand itself.

In 2017 a “Red Notice” for his arrest was issued by Interpol. In 2020, the charges were dropped, with the proviso that the investigation could be reopened in the event of new evidence.

Vorayuth Yoovidhya’s current whereabouts are unknown.

As for Mark Mateschitz, he has been linked in the tabloid press to Victoria Swarovski, herself an heiress to the Swarovski crystal fortune and recently separated from her husband Werner Muerz. Media in Austria have reported that the two are the couple, but neither have confirmed the reports publicly.

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